Memorial, Season 1, Episode 2 : First Time I See Her ...  

Posted by RaDin ® in

In this last week we had, we were so happy. Just for no damn reason. We take pictures with teachers and faculty and the places we used to gather in school. Matin, Arman and I could be caught always in a same spot together. Matin is also one of my best friends, a cool and funny guy who sets me off laughing always. Also he is a friend of Farhang. He's always dressed up fashionably. I do dress up usually, but in a simple way; as my father says: “Beauty is in simplicity”.

The final exams have started. All the students in Iran take these exams, starting with Islam Knowledge. Fortunately and surprisingly I did quite well! Time to get back home and start studying for next exams. Arman and I are coming back with Arash, but Farhang and Erfan are going "somewhere" and are not gonna come with us. Whatever! I come home and as always start wasting time. I've studied a bit, and I leave the book and go to sleep.

"Morning, son" my father says while is knocking my bedroom's door. "Coming" I reply with almost closed eyes. I catch my book and go down waiting for Arash to come. "Wow" I whisper myself while I see a girl passing by me. "Hey man, stop staring girls like that" again I say whisperingly. Arash has come, I get in the car. Farhang is sitting on front sit and says hi. I replied. Then he continues talking to Efran. I open my book and try to concentrate for the last minutes left to exam. We have picked Arman up and are in the way to school. Suddenly Farhang and Erfan tell Arash to stop the car. "See ya in school" Farhang says and they both get down of the car. Guess they have seen a girl in the street. I get it now, that's the one they saw last time and got interested in!! Surely that's her. These two really like chasing girls. Most of the times they get no result; what a useless chaise.

We have now passed half of the exams, so far so good! But suddenly today's exam changes everything!! Physics exam what as hard as chasing 1024 girls in a same time for Farhang, stop laughing for 1024 hours for Erfan, studying 1024 hours in row for Arman, and solving 1024 problems in the limited time exam for me ! I hope you've got the hardness ;) Anyway, I am not very upset about this exam; I think I did well [I got 89 :D]! But seems others are quite concerned about the result. Looks like an angry crowed!!

Tonight my father is coming back from a short trip. He calls me and says he has no Persian money, so I have to go and pay for the taxi. I'm waiting for him to come. Around 9:00 o'clock, I see a girl coming closer. But I am not so very into these stuff, at least I wasn't so far. I am thinking to myself. Suddenly I hear a girl sound saying: hello!! I didn't know what's going on. I reply shyly “hi". "May I ask you a question?" she asks me! I just really don know what’s going on. "Sure!" I say to her with a strange sound that I don't how the hell I've got it. She's asking about the Physic Exam. For a couple of minutes we talk. Then she goes. "She was a nice girl" a sound whispers in my ears. Here he is, my father comes. I forget everything happened tonight and I go.

2 or 3 day passed from that day. I haven't seen her again. Tonight, I am standing in front of our house's door and my father is hanging his suite in the back seat of his car. OMG, she's here again. "What shall I do? Shall I greet her? What about my father? I can't do it while he's right next to me. But what if I don't? She would say what a rude person. Oh God, I just don't know what to do. Whatever, I will reply if she greets. Otherwise just shut up and pretend I don't know her" These are all I am thinking about in just few seconds she is getting closer. There she comes, and says "hi". I reply but I cannot concentrate. I see my father while he is wasting time with hanging a suite and his ears sharply listen to our conversation. Seems she understands my situation and says goodbye and leaves. "Who was she?" my father asks me directly after she goes. "Just a neighbor" I reply with a smile on my face. "Goodbye, dad" I continue, and then I close the door.

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